Access to Therapist Knowledge Without the Heavy Price Tag

Imagine having access to the knowledge, experience and insight of a qualified psychotherapist, without the cost of one to one therapy! 

One of my main motivations for setting up the membership hub up was to offer people trauma informed, healing resources without the HUGE price tag that comes with accessing one to one therapy.

The membership hub is full of all of the information I've learned over the years, plus my experience as a therapist (and as someone who has personally done and continues to do this work too!). All in one convenient space, and the yearly membership is the average cost of 2 therapy sessions!

I believe that everyone deserves access to information that will make their life better after challenging childhood experiences. Knowledge that will ultimately help you live life as fully as you can regardless of the circumstances you found yourself in whilst growing up, and regardless of whether or not you can invest money and time in one to one therapy.

This is the purpose and mission of the Break the Cycle membership hub; affordable access to life-chaging therapeutic information.

Payment options

  • A Place to Learn

    Instant Access to...
    * 3 Self-Learning courses
    * Resources to help you understand yourself & heal from a challenging past
    * In-depth webinars with Sian and other therapists and specialists

  • A Space to Heal

    * A safe, supportive, nurturing online space
    * Trauma informed & evidence based tools and techniques
    * A hub designed to move you further along in your healing journey and further towards your true self

  • A Hub to Connect

    * Access to a community of people who all get it and are doing the work too
    * More connection with Psychotherapist Sian and access to more in-depth resources & guidance than can be offered on social media
    * Ads free and distraction free environment giving you a deeper connection with yourself and your healing process

Amazing resource!


I am so glad I found this membership. After years of reading countless self-help books and doing all sorts of things to feel better in myself, this membership is what I've been looking for! It's so easy to use (I can watch a couple of videos in my lunchbreak, or get stuck into the courses on weekends). There's a great variety of information, all delivered in a straight-forward way. Thank you!

Pricing options

Sign up to the Membership Hub and get instant access to...

  • ALL Break the Cycle Self-learning Courses:
    - Healing the Mother Wound
    - Breaking the Cycle ofCo-dependency
    - 7 Days to Self-compassion
    + 'The Nervous System Healing Method'

  • Live webinar interviews with therapists and coaches, diving deep into topics that support and accelerate your growth & healing (recorded versions are permanently available afterwards)

  • A safe online space with no ads or distractions, dedicated to your learning, growth and development

  • A Hub of Growing Resources! Audio, video and text resources, improving your relationships with other people, your relationship with yourself, as well as parenting resources

  • Access to the Cycle Breakers Forum; A community of like-minded people who are all dedicated to breaking the cycle too!

You won't regret it!


I went back and forth about signing up to the membership because I wondered if I'd use it, but I'm so glad I did! You can do the courses in your own time so there's no pressure to rush through them, and lots of the other videos are only 5 or 10 minutes long so I can watch them when I have a bit of down time. It's such an incredible resource which has made looking after my mental health feel way less overwhelming!

Learn. Grow. Heal

Commit to yourself and your Healing Journey

Thank you


"For the first time in decades, I feel that I am in control of my own healing; I can do this at home, in my own time, at my own pace. But by no means do I feel on my own or without guidance.
Sian can be contacted by email, she is very quick to respond and she knows what she is talking about. It is such an empowering feeling to finally have found the root of all of my struggles, and most importantly to finally be able to heal"


  • I don't have much spare time. Is it worth signing up to the membership if I'm busy?

    The courses are all self-paced meaning you can work through them in your own time, and the resources range from 5 minute videos to full workbooks so there's always something that will suit the spare time you have. The hub is yours to use as you wish around your schedule.

  • What if I subscribe and want to cancel in the future?

    If you sign up for the monthly subscription you can cancel at any time.
    If you purchase the annual membership you will have access for a year (this is non-refundable) but can cancel after your first year.

  • Who is this membership for?

    Anyone who wants to understand themselves better and learn how to heal and create healthy relationships with themselves and others. The membership focuses on all things related to psychological healing and emotional wellness and is suitable for anyone who wants to do this personal work.

  • What if I've already bought the BTC courses?

    There is still SO much that you will get from the membership hub, even if you've already purchased the courses.
    The hub is constantly updated with new resources & fortnightly webinars which dive deep into specific topics that will benefit your healing. There is also a brand new course 'Healing the Nervous System' coming in September 2021 which will be included in your membership.

  • How do I access the membership hub once I've signed up?

    You will be emailed a link when you sign up and can access the site via the website on your phone, tablet or computer. Once you've signed in you'll be able to access and use the site on any of your devices by going to the 'membership site' or 'dashboard' area.

  • Can I join if I'm not based in the UK?

    Yes! You can join and access the membership hub from anywhere in the world, the payment currency will convert when you are charged.

  • Is the membership hub free if I've already purchased one of your courses?

    No, the membership community is separate. The courses are all included with membership, but the hub will offer a lot more on top of the courses, so it's a separate purchase / sign up process.

Just what I needed!


I'm so glad I went for it with the membership. I wondered if I would use it but it's fitted into my life perfectly. Sian delivers clear, insightful information in her resources (which she updates regularly) that all give me hope and encouragement on my healing journey. Amazing value for money too.